jeudi 18 juillet 2013


       What's the point to have a little try to make people think a little "outside the box"?

For example, while sharing some pseudo-open-minded quotes on my Facebook wall?
        Almost none of my friends there, which aren't my friends at all for most of them , will even get it nor have any interest in it! 
        And that's the thing; Among these over 1000 people that I added on Facebook this last 5 years how many of them would I crave to be meeting if I had just heard of them and their (lack of) magic on the internet and had a chance to meet them in the real life? Very very very few… 
        And same thing for them really…

       To be honest, I'm not a very likeable person for most people that meet me for the first (and often last) time and I definitely admit that.
        Some much more likeable folks have dozens of comments on their walls and people that really care about them, also because they tend to do the same too. They care and are cared for.
        I'm not part of them. I can only care about very special people and most aren't, at least not according to my standards (that I don't even comply to myself). 
       Basically if I met myself without knowing me I would need some extra time and conversations to get to like me as the first words I usually manage to start with are far to be the best of me.
       I'm one of those that you have to know better in order to discover how fascinating but still weird they actually are. 

     I'm a puzzle to decipher and most people are too dumb to play games with something which actually isn't.
       They'd rather make their little social show which is often everything but not them.   
I've also gone through that as a common practise too just to be able to blend, and get girls to like me; that's the other thing.
       But now I can't put on this facade anymore. I can't talk about boring shit.  I hate small talks, they make me sick in my stomach.
       I also feel uncomfortable  introducing myself for the first time as you can't define a person by a name, a job (that I don't have) and the place where they are from. 
      A really intriguing personality is often much richer,  although looking poorer to the blind's eyes,  than a name/job status. 

       I've been a loner all my life and this has as much chances to change than not to change...
just dependance how much i want to work on it, on my facade job...
      Sure,  I also had my times of partial popularity when being a good actor especially among the couchsurfing community years ago which isn't too difficult because people already go there with an open mind an they crave to "be your buddy". I met some really great people on CS and a bunch of very uninteresting one, most of them actually... 

      Anyway, I'm the one that has to "think inside the box" sometimes and stop by to see how reality is doing or I will get lost forever and die alone (if dying is in the picture, hopefully not).

      Or I can stick with people that share my interest about Science and the future but for the later, apart from Ray kurzweil and a couple more I'm not gonna have many friends to hang out with and that's sort of the problem….     


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