Since I was about 10 I've had my moments. Sometimes constantly envisaging it, sometimes not for a good while.
I'm into the later now and apart from my constant fatigue and a feeling of absolute loneliness at times I don't see why this could possibly change (but this is the thing, people hardly foresee, especially their own fate). I was just thinking that it would be quite a paradox if it actually happened:
Even though I don't value much present life and the human race I know that what's coming next will be fare fare fare more favourable and interesting that anything that has ever taken place.
Since about only one year I've been starting to think that some kind of immortality would be a great thing in a world having a lot more to offer than this one.
I might just be too old and people too stupid (for not caring about scientific studies about life extension) to make it but if I weren't it would be quite a sad paradox if this exasperation I have against the homo-sapiens for remaining so backward and not even thinking to live longer and better as the most logical thing to do instead of dreaming of accumulating useless wealth made me commit an irreparable act while most of the human species would still be given (in about 30 years) immortality and by then taking it absolutely for granted, as something they have always lived with the very same way they do with their smartphone, car…
These people are the sick, sad and perfect representation of what most people think and why immortality is being delayed
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