mercredi 17 juillet 2013


 Since I was 21 I've tried to learn a dozen of language with the Assimil method,

         I've studied Romanian, German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Chinese, Vietnamese…

I actually totally forgot Hungarian and already mostly Vietnamese or even pretty much some other languages.
Which one are you? 
(and no, i don't get paid for this, but maybe I should) 

     But even more problematically I have the feeling that my memory abilities have gone from about 100% when I was a kid to about 30% now, no kidding!  
        To be absolutely honest I even actually feel that I'm at least 3 times more forgetful than, not even 20 years ago but as late as 10 years ago!
       Maybe it's just an impression but as far as I'm concerned (and I'm very concerned) it probably isn't! But still, using the right memory tricks can have a huge impact on your learning abilities and that's why I started yesterday to try memorising the 6 first lessons of my Korean Assimil PDF that I downloaded online. 

       I thought I was doing pretty good but this morning I feel like a zombie and have a pretty hard time remembering the lessons I was supposed to know already. 
       I then thought about giving up on it since learning 70 short stories by heart in Korean would not even help much to speak it but now I'm still thinking that such an experiment would be interesting to conduct so I leave me another day or two to try it out and see how it goes. I might not be able to learn much today though but I'll do my best...      


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