mardi 16 juillet 2013


Do people remember better when words are coloured? 
        Seems pretty obvious. Too bad text in colours are too often tagged as being childish. But using colours to learn anything has nothing to do with childhood. 
       The only relation is that that's how you start learning and for some strange reasons it stops at some point of the learning process as if "only kids" are supposed to use them. 
     "Colours" to learn aren't only related to children but just everyone. Just as learning "in a fun way"should be the base of education and not a rare relief and enjoyment.
       Sick adult bastards often so full of arrogant shit have other ideas about how fucked up life has to be so that everyone can have a shitty time!  Yes, I'm one of them too but time to time I like to keep an open mind. Kids are also great because they haven't been "taught" too much yet! Good for them...     

                           Interesting game with colours 


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